Cristina Odone - Journalist, novelist and broadcaster

References 1 - 7 for 'My daughter shouldn't have to study science', says Cristina Odone




<h1>&nbsp;</h1> <div class="toc-about clearfix"> <h1><a href="" class="header">Cristina Odone - Journalist, novelist and broadcaster</a></h1><p>References 1 - 7 for &#039;My daughter shouldn&#039;t have to study science&#039;, says Cristina Odone</p> </div><!-- class="about clearfix" --><h1>&nbsp;</h1> <div id="mysitesnoframes" class="sites_content"><ul> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="" ><img src="" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[1] Cristina Odone</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="" ><img src="" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[2] Comments</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="" ><img src="" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[3] pursue a career in maths or science</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href=";+window.location.href+&#039;?WT.mc_id=tmgoff_pq_fb_20150423" target="_blank" ><img src="/wp-content/images/icons/32/facebook.png" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[4] Reference</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="" ><img src="" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[5] And didn’t I know that a science degree landed graduates the best-paid...</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="" ><img src="" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[6] had not escaped the pink ghetto of “soft” subjects</strong></a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="" ><img src="" width="32" height="32" /><strong>[7] Economics needs women as much as women need economics</strong></a></li> </ul></div> Your browser does not handle frames, which are required to view the sites in tabs. Please upgrade to a more modern browser.<br /><br />